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巨臀 波多黎各 女神 好意思“自拍之父”30年每天自拍一张 纪录虚弱经过

发布日期:2024-09-27 15:00    点击次数:112

巨臀 波多黎各 女神 好意思“自拍之父”30年每天自拍一张 纪录虚弱经过

早在还莫得所谓的自拍出现前,波士顿学院影相熟练拜登就每天拍下1张我方的短长像片,接下来30年巨臀 波多黎各 女神,他每天齐这么作念,从未绝交地纪录虚弱的情况。

好意思“自拍之父”30年每天自拍一张 纪录虚弱经过

Long before they were called selfies, Karl Baden snapped a simple black and white photo of himself. Then he repeated it every day for the next three decades. 在“自拍”出现前,卡尔-拜登就每天拍下1张我方的短长像片,接下来30年,他每天齐这么作念。

Baden's "Every Day" project officially turns 30 on Thursday and he says he has no intention of stopping. The stark contemplation on mortality and aging has prompted some to dub the Boston College professor the unwitting "father of the selfie." 拜登的“逐日”接洽到上周四小心满30年,但他示意没念念停驻来。拜登这种诚挚注目死一火与虚弱的作念法,让他获取“自拍之父”的封号。他是波士顿学院的别称熟练。

He recognizes the ubiquity of the selfie has helped raise the profile of the project, which has been exhibited in art galleries in Boston, New York City and elsewhere over the years. 他承认自拍风潮匡助他的神情升迁了驰名度,这些年来,像片在波士顿、纽约市等地的好意思术馆展出。

"If it wasn't for the selfie craze, I'd probably be slogging along in anonymity as usual," Baden joked this week. "Which is sort of what I had expected." 他本周开打趣说:“若是不是自拍热,我大致会和昔时一样匿名拍像片,那亦然我之前但愿的。”

What makes the project work is that it reflects a number of universal themes, from death to man's obsession with immortalizing himself in some way, said Howard Yezerski, a Boston gallery owner who has exhibited the project on two occasions. 曾两次展出像片的波士顿一家画廊的主东说念主Howard Yezerski示意,拜登的像片能一直拍下去,是因为像片响应了好多大量的主题,从死一火到东说念主类某种对不灭的执迷等等。

"It's both personal and universal at the same time," he said. "He's recording a life, or at least one aspect of it that we can all relate to because we're all in same boat. We're all going to die." 他说:“这是个东说念主的,同期亦然大量的。他在纪录一段人命,或者至少是人命的一方面,咱们齐与此联系,因为咱们齐在消失条船上,齐会死一火。”

Baden, 64, quietly launched his project on Feb. 23, 1987, the day after Andy Warhol died and nearly two decades before Facebook emerged. He tries to remain faithful to that first image, posing with the same neutral facial expression and using the same 35mm camera, tripod, backdrop and lighting. 1987年2月23日,现年64岁的拜登悄然开动了他的自拍接洽。影相师安迪•沃霍尔前一天刚物化,距离脸谱网问世还有快要20年。他尝试拍下与第一张交流的像片,罗致相同的面部神采,使用交流的35毫米相机、三脚架、布景和灯光。


"The act itself is like brushing your teeth," he said. "I'll just take the picture and get on with the rest of my day. It's not a holy ritual or anything." 他说:“拍照就像刷牙。我拍下像片,然后链接过一天的糊口。这并非任何皎皎典礼。”

Baden has taken other pains to maintain the same aesthetic. He has consciously not grown a beard or mustache, and his hair remains simply styled. 为了让像片保抓一贯的作风,拜登还付出了其他代价。他专门不蓄髯毛,发型也一直很通俗。

"I have to turn all these variables into constants so that I'm not distracting from the aging process," Baden explained. 拜登证实说:“这些齐保抓不变,这么时代看出像片所发达的虚弱经过。”

Besides mortality, Baden says the project touches on the notions of obsession, incremental change and perfection. 除了死一火,拜登说像片还涉及了千里醉、渐进的转变和完好的观念。

"As much as I try to make every picture the same, I fail every day," he said. "There's always something that's a little different, aside from the aging process." 他说:“我尽可能每天齐拍一样的像片,但每天齐失败。除了虚弱,总有那么点儿东西是不同的。”

Approaching 11,000 photos, the changes in Baden's appearance over time don't appear dramatic. But in 2001, Baden underwent chemotherapy to treat prostate cancer and became noticeably thinner. 在大要1.1万张像片中,拜登的外貌跟着时期的转变莫得太剧烈。但在2001年,拜登袭取了治愈前哨腺癌的化疗,显豁瘦弱了。

The cancer is now in remission and, as later pictures show, Baden quickly bounced back. The only lasting change from that time, he says, has been his eyebrows; they never quite grew back. 当今他的病情缓解,就像随后的像片中那样,拜登速即规复了。他说,那段时期带来的独一抓久变化,等于他的眉毛,它们莫得再长回底本的边幅。

英文开头:好意思联社 翻译&编审:yaning巨臀 波多黎各 女神

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